Wednesday 1 May 2013

“Rihanna Is Not Girlfriend Material” – Chris Brown’s Father**hMm

*Chris’s father Clinton Brown has recently opened up his family album to show the world the boy he knew growing up – while also branding his son’s decision to reunite with girlfriend Rihanna a poor choice.

Speaking from his modest home in Tappahannock, Virginia, Clinton told a number of media outlets he felt the couple were better off apart.
The prison officer – whom split with the
singer’s mother when Chris was six – told New York’s Daily News: ‘I personally really didn’t want him and Rihanna back together.’
‘You have to have a balance in a relationship.
‘You have to have someone who is spontaneous and whimsical but you also have to have someone who is grounded and logical.’
He went on to say he thinks the pair are too similar to maintain a steady relationship and that their union could end in tragedy.
‘I hate to use examples, but Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse — I mean I could go on and on.
‘Is that a given — that you can’t have fortune and fame without (death) being the end result?’
He also claims that Chris is now surrounded by a network of ‘yes men’ and that this too could lead him along the road to ruin.
Thankfully, Clinton says that as he is not on the payroll he can still dish out good advice to his son when needed.
Clinton does show some signs that he’s the father of a successful singer, as he drives a brand new silver BMW – courtesy of Chris.

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